
  • No Pornographic Content
  • Team Size is infinite, from 1 - 1000000
  • One submission per team (reach out if you have questions about this)
  • Make sure to credit all participants as best you can on your work
  • Please make sure that at least your dialogue is in english. I don't care the quality of your english, just do your best.
  • All art for this contest must be original, please avoid using popular OC's. This is to keep everyone on an even playing field
  • NO AI (Both Writing AI and Art AI is not allowed, We are NOT interested)
  • NO NFTs (We are absolutely NOT interested)
  • No Hate Content
  • No Gratuitous Violence (Death and Violence is mostly fine, but there is a point where it adds nothing to the story at all)


  • Your comic must be related to the Theme
  • Feel free to use a pseudonym for your work if you wish to remain lowkey
  • You must give us a way to contact you that is reliable
  • For a page format comic it should be a maximum of 3 pages long
  • For a scroll comic it should be a maximum of 25 panels long
  • Your comic must adhere to the size restrictions in the image below. If you are making a page format comic the DPI should be about 300, for scroll you can do your usual 72 DPI you gremlins love so much.
  • Please upload your comic as a JPEG so as to maintain quality but PNG's should work too
  • Page Format
    7 IN
    10 IN
    Vertical Scrolling Format